
Hey earthlings.
I'm the Queen here. So, respects my
kingdom or I will force you to eat
this poisoned apple :P Do follow me!


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Baohui here.
I wrap myself up in my own fantasies cause reality is just too cruel.



Template by XaRa
Images: We‚ô•It

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 4:42 AM
Standing in the Hall of Fame

Haha haven't been blogging in 10000 years so it's time to get my lazy ass on here so hi.

Things that have happened recently:
1. My birthday tadahhh I'm fourteen now haha
2. Class allocation (ok this happened quite a while ago)
3. Canoeing Camp!
4. Zhenbin's bday party

Haha ok firstly I'm FINALLY fourteen!:D I've always liked the age 14 idk why but it sounds nice like 15,16,17,18! Like your teenage years are such nice numbers! 13 is like some sort of an unlucky number so yeahhh didn't really like it. Spent my big day at Gardens by the Bay with the family. It's really a nice place you guys should there if you're bored and have nothing to do! And oh, bring a camera too haha it's really a nice place, you can't find anywhere like it in Singapore!

We didn't manage to go to the gradens like the outdoor part cause it kept raining so we went to the cooled conservatories- Cloud Forest and Flower Dome! In case you don't know, the conservatories are those two huge ass thingies at the Marina Reservoir that are like half-oval shaped.

Yup that's the two conservatories (picture credits to Wikipedia) and it's super cold inside so bring a jacket if you ever go there! 

Flower Dome, like its name suggests, is a dome full of flowers and the flowers are changed for every season so now that it's winter, the place is created into a Winter Wonderland with this really tall and pretty Christmas Tree!:D While Cloud Forest is like a jungle thingy with a huge waterfall and you can take a lift to the top of the "mountain" and walk down by the cloud walk! It's really cool and pretty and huge haha! 

 Yup here's an illustration of the Cloud Forest!

(taken from the gardens by the bay website!)

Here's some pictures taken there!

                                         Closest thing to a Niagara Falls you'll ever get in SG.

Me trying to copy that cute tribal guy's pose and my mean bro who refuses to look stupid and pose with me.

@The Lost World

                                                                  Pretty in pink

HAHA this plant has a similar name to mine! But it looks nothing like me okay! I so DO NOT have a huge belly:(

And the huge christmas tree, there's also A LOT of other pretty Christmas decos around and like a "flying" reindeer sleigh thingy haha it's really pretty so go and see!:D

I sound like I'm doing an advertorial for Gardens by the Bay haha they should totally pay me for this:P Is this a good enough advertorial? Hahah probably not sigh will never be as pro as Xiaxue is!

Hahah and guess who FINALLY got a new phone? Me okay ahahah RIP my old sucky LG and hello iPhone5! Thanks mummy and daddy you guys are the best<333

I'm too lazy to blog about the other topics so next time maybe!
I promise i will blog soon like before christmas ok!
Yup and ending the post with nice tumblr images that Choo showed me yay haha:D

These are like perfect boyfriend material. Ok and today's 12/12/12!! So make a wish on 12:12 12/12/12 ahhahah ok wish that I have such a nice guy best friend like all these pics say! 


There's still some that I sent myself using choo's phone but urgh it's so troublesome to transfer pics from iPhone to my com so another day hehe

Thursday, November 1, 2012, 6:49 AM
Sit talking up all night,saying things we haven't for a while

Tomorrow's gonna be the last day of school:/

Honestly, I don't know whether I should be happy or sad. I mean, school's over, I don't need to spend my time rotting away here and eat the same food every day( I am getting sick of the canteen food already. I have no idea how I'm gonna survive the next 4 years) but this is gonna be the last day that I can spend with my class:'( My adorable, weird, crazy and gay-ly retarded class. I know our class isn't the most bonded class, I know we've been thru a LOT of conflicts but yeah, I'll miss them. I'll miss how nobody really cares if you act spastic and stuff cause 99% of the class is the same. How they won't diss you for being retarded cause they're being retarded with you. How we never fail to scream while playing Slender Man, to the point where we had to masking-tape our mouth just to not scream. How we never had a successful class outing ever haha and how un-co-ordinated we are when dragon boating! :P

But it's all these flaws that make me love them. I used to really hate being in 07, especially last year, but somehow, I've started to love these people and accept them too. And I'm really reluctant to leave this class, go to another one next year that might not be able to understand my weird-ness and craziness and may not be as simple-minded as my class. Still, it's interesting, going to a new environment with 'new' people but yet, what if you get into a class with people you can't cannot get along with? :X 

On a happier side, it's november! And xiangmin's birthday is coming soon!(; Hahha and exactly one month after hers is mine! I really feel like throwing a bday party this year but it's kinda awkward cause I wanna invite both sch and church friends:X Hahah maybe next year cause Risa and Nic are going for church camp anyway.

Someone please bring me to Wave house sentosa (it looks cool pretty) or that East Coast Water Ski thingy. Oh and those indoor playgrounds! Like Go-go bambini, eXplorerkid or Happy Willow, etc ( 
I know it's usually for kids but hey I'm a kid at heart! #yolo  Live while we're young hahaha!

Ohoh and the pretty angmoh girl in the Chinese movie Fairytale (童话) yesterday!:D Her name is Siona Wu- Murphy and she's super pretty omg<3 Why can't I be a pretty mixed blood too haha): I was stalking her fb page and omg wow if i were a guy, I'll definitely go for her.


Hmm i really wonder who reads my blog. Just found out recently that Tanya and Allison reads my blog:O Which is shocking cause I never gave them my url plus I never posted it on fb/ twitter. Ok hi my two cute stalkers. And hi lydia too if you're reading this(;

Hahah this is super funny!

oh hi photobomb seal.